Is ideal for:
Mothers that stay at home.
Parents that need a second job.
People in between jobs.
We Pay through Debit Cards, Bank Checks, Paypal, Webmoney, Liberty Reserve and Western Union.
Fact about this site:
Q. Where is the REQUEST PAYMENT button?
A. There isn’t any request payment button. We pay automatically each Monday Eastern Time (GMT -5) if you have reached the minimum balance needed for payment the day before.
Q. It’s Monday and I haven’t received my payment yet. Where is my payment?
A. We make payments every Monday on Eastern Time (GMT -5) by alphabetical order. All payments will be completed around Monday 7:00 PM SERVER TIME. Please remember that the time of the day changes according to the place where you live. If you live in Asia or Oceania it’s probable that your payment will arrive on Tuesday.
Q. It’s Monday and I have reached the minimum balance needed for payment. Why haven’t I been paid yet?
A. We pay according to the balance that you have accumulated before Monday Eastern Time (GMT -5). This means that you must reach the minimum balanced before Sunday 23:59 Eastern Time (GMT -5). IF you haven’t reached minimum balanced needed for payment by this time, you will be paid next week.
Q. I have an error that says "You are not logged in to your account". Why is this?
A. If you have this error is because you have been temporarily suspended. You might have been pressing “Don’t Know” too many times. Please read the Rules and Tips before proceeding. Your account will be reactivated in a few minutes. If you continue with these activities, your account may be permanently suspended.
Q. I have been banned because of "Kickouts". Why?
A. It seems that you haven’t been working fast enough. The image timer is running out before you submit the text. Please send us an email if you’re getting kicked out before the timer expires or when you’re not working on images. In all other cases, please try to work faster.
Q. Images are not showing up fast enough. The timer starts and the image takes a few seconds to appear! Why is this?
A. It seems that there’s a connectivity problem between your internet connection and our server. Please try to work using a different internet connection and see if the problem persists. You must upgrade your internet connection or change internet providers if you want images to show up faster.
Q. I want to change my payment details. How can I do this?
A. Sorry. We instructed you on registration that changing payment details is not allowed. We can make an exception on the following two cases:
- You insterted WMID instead of WMZ when you chose Webmoney.
- You have selected Western Union and you wish to change to another payment type.